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Orange and Yellow Vibrant and Dynamic Construction X-Frame Banner.png

High quality beats for your next single, EP or album. We offer a bundle deal that allows you to buy 2 beats and get 1 for free. This deal never expires and we will continue to offer a variety of deals in the future.



How To Purchase Beats:

Step 1 : Browse or search for the beats in the catalog above. Click the +Add button next to the beats you want to purchase and select which license you want. Repeat this for all the beats you want to purchase, See “Deals” for bundle discounts.

Step 2 : Once you have selected the desired licenses, click the shopping cart icon in the top bar and ‘proceed to checkout’. At the checkout screen, review your order, and click “accept terms” before either paying with your Debit Card or Credit Card.

Step 3: Directly after the payment, you will receive download links to the beats you have purchased in high quality format. All files & documents will be included in this email (Also check your spam/promotions folders).


Below are the different licenses we offer and the details behind each license. Each photo is clickable and will take you the the contract itself so you can review the terms and conditions of each license.